Cashflow - Emerald Sky Accounts

Cashflow Forecasting

Having enough cashflow in your business is essential to your survival. Cashflow forecasting helps to see into the future in both the short and long term.

Our cashflow forecast service provides a 24 month forecast of expected inflows and outflows to highlight any shortfalls, giving you enough time to plan ensuring that your business stays in the positive.

This service can be taken on either a monthly or quarterly basis, where a rolling update of your cashflow is given, and a virtual meeting undertaken to discuss the updates and any adjustments can be made.

Service includes:

  • Initial set-up of 24 month forecast of inflows and outflows using historical data. £200 setup FREE Setup!
  • 45 minute monthly meeting to:
    • Analyse immediate baseline data.
    • Strategise for upcoming scenarios e.g new hires/big equipment purchases.
    • Update inflow and outflow forecast going forward.
  • Specialist software subscription.

Prices start from £155/month.